Discover your infinite potential

Welcome to Liu Feng Shui!
We are a sister team passionate about sharing the ancient wisdom of Life Map, Feng Shui and Mantra Power. We offer insightful direction throughout your life’s journey, design sustainable spaces that heal and inspire, and teach you how to cultivate your hidden strengths.
“As feng shui masters with decades of experience, our purpose is to see your life objectively with your best interest at heart.”
Meet the Liu Masters
Jenny Liu
Feng Shui Master specializing in architecture, interior design, and sustainable living
Julie Liu
Feng Shui Master specializing in teaching ancient methods of self-empowerment
Be the architect of your life
Life Map
Life Map is one of the most ancient and accurate forms of astrology originating from China. A Life Map reading with us can reveal your hidden strengths, and provide a clearer view of the potential paths that lie ahead of you.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is one of the most effective ways to create a nurturing environment. From the alignment of the stars to everything inside your home, our job is to evaluate their impact on you and how to optimize it in ways that support your evolution.
Mantra Power
Mantras are ancient words which when repeated with concentration have the power to harmonize your mind with universal energies. Experience the mental clarity that comes from mantra practice and mindful breathing.
What do our clients say?