Expand your mind through art
Art by Chi-Jen Liu
Expand your mind
Our mind is an invisible, yet vast, inner environment that has a great influence on our happiness, relationships, and ability to succeed. An extremely effective way to enhance your energy is through symbolically charged artwork.
Our father, Chi-Jen Liu has been making paintings for the past 40 years that are specifically intended to transform the energies of residential and business interiors. He has developed paintings that incorporate ancient symbolism, mantra charms, Taoist diagrams, Chinese luck symbols, and Buddhist deities. Through the hidden energies contained within ancient symbols, his art unleashes positive energies on a deeper level. Get a glimpse of what it is like to experience his works up close on Art by Chi-Jen Liu.
The abundant use of symbols activate healing and transformation in receptive hearts and minds. Surrounding yourself with Chi-Jen Liu’s art is one of the most effective tools we recommend to anyone who is seeking inner empowerment – for focusing on powerful symbols is an essential part of self-cultivation.
Our father’s work is available as art prints. He made a vast range of paintings because he often said each person is unique and we all have different dreams in life. Please contact us directly if you are interested in ordering an art print.