Find inspiration in daily life
Podcasts with the Liu Masters
Join Jenny and Julie as they talk shop and have heart to heart conversations. Here you will find out what goes on in the mind of a Feng Shui Master – from client stories to personal rituals.
Do you have a question about Life Map, Feng Shui or Mantra Power for the Liu Masters? Submit it in our Contact Us page and we will do our best to answer in our next podcast.
Our need for healing spaces
with The Liu Masters
EMFs and how we live with them
with The Liu Masters
Colors and their effect on us
with Julie Liu
How to feng shui your refrigerator
with Jenny Liu
Why I journal
with Julie Liu
How to practice Buddha Mind
with Julie Liu
Curing with ginger and garlic
with Jenny Liu
How to declutter your wardrobe
with Julie Liu
How I start my day… the night before
with Jenny Liu
Teas and their benefits
with Julie Liu